Hiring Event Security Guards? Tips on How to Narrow Your Options

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With restrictions being almost eliminated across the country, more and more Australian's are looking to take advantage of newfound freedoms and host an event this summer season. However, just because you can go out and party now, does not mean you shouldn't still put in place practices to keep yourself, and your guests, safe. Security guards can help keep you safe and secure no matter what the night throws at you, but many people are unsure of if they need them or not. Here are a few quick questions you should ask yourself to see if you need to hire security guards for your next event.

1. Vaccination Status

Of course, these new freedoms are only supposed to be enjoyed by those who are safely vaccinated, and if you are booking an event at a pub, hotel or entertainment venue then most likely you will need to follow their rules regarding vaccination. Security guards for hire will ensure that anyone who comes into the party is double vaccinated and has all the necessary identification to prove it. If you are hosting an event at your home, you still may be required to follow this procedure, depending on local state laws so make sure to double-check.

2. Corporate

If you are hosting a business-related event, then it makes sense to splurge a little and make sure you have proper security. These events need to go smoothly or they can reflect badly on your organising skills, which is why the extra precaution of hired security can provide much-needed peace of mind for you and your employees. They make sure no gate crashers, drunken coworkers or nosy competitors spoil your night and allow you and your people to just have fun and let loose a little bit more than you could without their safety net. 

3. Time

The later your event goes, the more likely people are to start misbehaving and causing trouble. Nighttime reduces inhibitions and can bring out the worst in people, especially if alcohol is present. It also can help aide gatecrashers in getting into your event. Security guards should always be at events of any significant size once it goes past dusk. Not only do they stop you from having to step in and cause a scene, but their authority is also more likely to prevent any confrontations from happening at all. Let them take care of the safety and wellbeing of your guests while you concentrate on running a successful event.
